8003 8003 is manufactured by Huizhou HD Times Technology Co., Ltd. following the principle of 'Quality First'. We dispatch a team of professionals to select the raw materials. They are extremely meticulous about the quality and performance of materials by adhering to the principle of green environmental protection. They conduct a strict screening process and only qualified raw materials can be selected into our factory.
HDera 8003 8003 sells very fast in the domestic and oversea market. Huizhou HD Times Technology Co., Ltd. is proud of developing it. Our designers are extremely innovative and have a keen sense in this field, thus they make the product be the pioneer for its appearance. From design, manufacturing, to finished products, we perform each process in accordance with the international standard. The quality of the product is entirely guaranteed.hdmi version 2.0,4k tv hdmi 2.0,hdmi 1.4.