What fields is DP cable applied in?
DP cable is widely applied. It has impact on the world and the daily life. In future, the functions may be expanded and the applications would be widened. The application is part of market research conducted by you. It should be considered along with local market demand.
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Huizhou HD Times Technology Co., Ltd. differentiates ourselves from typical 3rca rca cable manufactures by rca to rca cable. The dp cable 1.4 series has become a hot product of HDera. The testing for HDera hdmi 1.3 consists of a series of safety and EMC tests which are performed to certify that a product will not suffer from interference in the applicable medical environment. This product allows users to share an Internet connection among multiple devices. It turns out to be true that with the professional service, more and more customers will keep HDera in mind. It has been extensively used in various high-definition video and audio equipment.
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